Flooring materials that come in planks, such as wood, vinyl, or laminates, can be found in either pre-finished or unfinished condition. There are advantages to both types and disadvantages as well. Before deciding on pre-finished or Unfinished Flooring Installation, it is important to take the time to understand the differences and the processes.
Pre-Finished Flooring
These planks have been treated with a factory-applied finish. Aluminum oxide is used to make the flooring extremely durable. This finish cannot be duplicated by any on-site finishing process. The installation process is faster and less expensive.
Depending on the size of the room or area, installation can be done in one day. That is convenient, especially for commercial settings. One drawback is that the color may not look quite the same as it was envisioned in the mind of the owner.
Unfinished Flooring
This type has no factory finish. The benefit of that is the opportunity to select the color once the flooring is in the space. It is easier to match the floor to wall colors, existing lighting fixtures, and window treatments already in the room.
A drawback is the fact the Unfinished Flooring Installation will take several days from beginning to end. Once the floor is down, the processes of staining and seal coating the floor still has to be completed. The pricing for the actual flooring materials are cheaper than pre-finished materials, but stain also has to be purchased.
Factors to Consider When Selecting Flooring
The desired end result is important, but other factors have a direct impact on the look and durability of the flooring. The existing sub-flooring is a major consideration. Some flooring choices, such as concrete, marble, or ceramic tile are heavy. The sub-flooring has to be able to withstand the weight.
The amount of traffic is also important. A commercial retail setting, for example, will not work with carpeting. The climate is also a consideration. If the region experiences a long rainy season, concrete may be the best flooring due to its natural protection against water. Budget is also a factor, although some companies do offer financing options. Go to Website to explore all flooring types.